The New Year is Here! Best Time to Attain Your TABC Certification.



Time flies! Which makes ‘keeping up with the times’ hard work if you’re ‘on the floor’, working as a waiter or bartender. The New Year is upon us and this means that now is the best time to attain your TABC certification.


bartender tabc certified2022 is the year to become serving safe certified as new laws regarding the sale of alcohol start to be policed. If you’re a bouncer or a bartender, a waiter or a waitress, odds are you work long hours already on the floor and need the most suitable way to ensure your Texas serving certificates are up to date while time flies by. Because remember, your TABC certification expires every two years.


So knock it out of the park at the start of the New Year with one less nagging thing on your ‘to do’ list before the year runs (or rather, flies) away from you.


The most convenient way to get your Texas Online Alcohol certification is with Comedy Texas Alcohol Beverage Commission. Our motto is “FAST, FUN, & DONE”. Our 100% online course will have you trained and certified quicker than you can say “Happy New Year!”Bar TABC certified


Keeping up with the law is just about as tough as keeping up with the times. We’ve got your best interests at heart – whether you’re a liquor license owner who’s looking to ensure that your liquor license doesn’t get suspended on account of the fallout from an alcohol-related accident that is traced back to your establishment. 


And we’ve got you covered if you’re a waitron or manager involved in the hospitality industry and you need to be above board with your own TABC certification in 2022. The ease of obtaining your TABC online certification with Comedy TABC takes all the worries of alcohol awareness training off your back.


Serving certification in Texas through Comedy TABC also comes with a downloadable certificate that you can print out for your premises, or carry around in your wallet for job interviews. Or even just to impress people!

alcohol serving

We add a bunch of funny one-liners and ‘haha moments’ in our course work to go along with the ‘aha moments’ you’re sure to experience as you stay informed of the latest serving certification Texas requirements. 


There are new ‘alcohol to go’ laws along with a general upswing in the hospitality industry that can have dangerous repercussions for alcohol establishments if patrons get too carried away with themselves by overconsuming alcohol. So, with 2022 upon us and time flying faster than we can flip tables, let’s jump on that serving certification  – Texas will thank you for it!


Our Comedy TABC online-approved course has no hidden fees and costs only $9.99. It’s mobile-friendly and self-paced – so you can learn in between shifts or other things that you may have to do. 


Give us a call or hit us up here to register online. Help keep Texas as safe as possible by choosing the fastest, funniest Texas Online Alcohol certifications company around – Comedy TABC.

Comedy TABC