‘Tis the season

‘Tis the season, the season for a little drinking. Did you know December and November are two of the biggest drinking months of the  year? As you can probably guess, this is due to the holidays. Where the increase in alcohol consumption is because of happiness, time off  work or to deal with family members is to be determined. One thing we do know is that it can be a dangerous time of year if you are not safe!

drinking, party

According to beveragedaily.com, Americans more than double the amount they spend on alcohol during the holiday drinking season. “Americans spend an average of $241 each month on social events, but during the holiday season, that figure more than doubles up to $537. Four alcoholic drinks a week is the average for most of the year, jumping up to eight at the holiday.” The bar industry knows, this can be dangerous. The people that go to bars know, this can be fun, but also, dangerous.

Forbes writes that “it is hardly surprising that many people indulge in seasonal binge-drinking.” We agree, we also agree that this kind of mentality can be dangerous. The largest problem is drinking and driving. Not only are there more people drinking, there are more people on the road. With everyone visiting family/friends and  being off work, the roads are more congested than ever. As you can imagine, this creates huge issues.

Another issue is, people are drinking more! Even in social drinkers have a tendency to drink more during the holidays. If you are working in the alcohol industry, this is an important time to watch people a little closer. Make sure they are not going over board and that they always have a safe ride home.

All this being said we can’t forget that it is still one of the most wonderful times of the year. Sooooooo ‘Tis the season for responsible drinking! Make sure your friends and family are safe and enjoy your holidays!