Get Your TABC Certification Online and at Your Own Pace

Getting your TABC certification has never been easier. With Comedy TABC, you can do it all online, at your own pace. No more boring lectures or tedious reading. Instead, you get to learn with comedy. First, let’s talk about why it is the best choice. The course uses humor to make the content engaging. This … Read more

Get TABC Certified Fast with Comedy TABC!

Want to get TABC certified without the boredom? Look no further than Comedy TABC – the quickest and most entertaining way to become TABC certified! Just sign up here. In a couple easy steps you will be on your way to servicing. Need more convincing? Here’s why Comedy TABC is the course for you. Fast … Read more

10 Things About TABC You May Not Know

Don’t we all have a vision for a safe and healthy Texas? The Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) sees this as their vision. And to serve the people of Texas and protect the public through consistent, fair, and timely administration of the Alcoholic Beverage Code. Just to remind you. The TABC was originally created in … Read more

Bars shut down due to non compliance with TABC rules

Bars shut down due to non compliance with TABC rules has been rampant lately. TABC has set up a lot of new rules that bars have had to comply with. Restaurants and bars that have not, risk being shut down. Unfortunately, that has happened with quite a few places around the Texas area for various … Read more

Restaurants in Corona 2020. The new rules

Restaurants navigating through post lockdown   Restaurants in corona 2020, a whole new battle. The rules during Corona 2020 are going to be changing frequently as we all navigate through this crazy time so we are going to try to keep are service industry friends as updated as possible. Now that quarantine is slowly being taken away … Read more

‘Tis the season

‘Tis the season, the season for a little drinking. Did you know December and November are two of the biggest drinking months of the  year? As you can probably guess, this is due to the holidays. Where the increase in alcohol consumption is because of happiness, time off  work or to deal with family members … Read more